
Êtes-Vous Collectivement

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Email: info@index-metowe.com
Mobile: +33.619.167.361

The Founders
Jean-François Thiriet
MetoWe Co-founder

For 15 years, Jean-François Thiriet has been helping leaders and teams express their collective wisdom and individual genius in organizational transformations.

As a collective intelligence  facilitator and trainer, he is somehow an architect of « how to be efficient together » in teams.

He is the Founder of the Mastermind Business Academy, a facilitation training company and wrote the first French book on Mastermind Groups which became an Amazon best seller and was translated into English and Spanish.


Elisabeth Magro-Falcone
MetoWe Co-founder

Elisabeth is a generative coach and consultant, facilitator and trainer of facilitator, NLP Master trainer, and author.

After 13 years spent in large companies as a Management Controller, she quickly realized that the only difference in terms of performance and quality of life at work would come from the Men and Women who make the way of being of these companies, and she created her support structure for change, responding to her own call.

She helps now organizations, leaders and their teams access the best version of themselves. Creator of the “Towards the Best Version of Self” approach and of “The NLP Humanistic Institute”, NLP Master-Trainer.

Elisabeth helps individuals to grow in awareness in groups reinforced by generative approach.


As CI trainers, Elisabeth and Jean François both co designed the first French MOOC on Collective Intelligence with Institut Repere with more than 2000 participants from around the globe.

The “Me To We Index” appeared to them as a common path and transcending their individual approaches and they decided to keep the MOOC spirit by making it an open source and free project.

Because “Now is the Time for the Collective Hero’s journey »

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